Wear Red Friday 25th November

As part of the Show Racism The Red Card initiative we took part in the ‘Wear Red Friday’ on Friday the 25th of November to show support for this great cause. We believe in respect, equality and inclusion in our school so we wanted to get the school community involved in wearing something red on […]


Money – Senior Infants

Money This week we have been learning all about money. We looked at coins up to 20c. We worked in a shop, thinking about the different coins we needed to pay for each item. We also used coins to create rubbings!


School disco 2016

Hi everyone, here is a little video of all the fun that was had at our school disco this year. What a fantastic turn out from our school community. It was lovely to see so many of you at the disco! There was such amazing costumes this year as well! I hope you all enjoyed […]


LETNS Ultra Marathon Launch

Hi everyone we were very excited today in Letterkenny Educate Together NS because we launched our Ultra Marathon (100km) !!! We had special guests Jason Black and Sarah Marie Mc Devitt come into school to help launch our new challenge for the year. We talked about how looking after our body and mind is so […]


October 2016 – Senior Infants

Family Friday Thanks to our lovely parents for coming in to play with us this morning! It was great to have you all visit! We love Family Friday, looking forward to the next one already!!! 🙂 🙂     Fancy Dress The children have been doing lots of learning about fancy dress and the festival […]


Senior Infants – September 2016

The children have settled very well into Senior Infants. Everyone is working hard and following the High 5 Rules. Just a little note to let you know that P.E. day takes place each Monday. The routine of homework has also begun so please ensure that the children come to school with their homework folder and […]


The big Fairtrade Breakfast.

5TH Class and Senior Infants had a Fairtrade breakfast. Fairtrade means that the Fairtrade ingredients in the product have been produced by small-scale farmer organisations or plantations that meet Fairtrade social, economic and environmental standards. The standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment, payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and an additional Fairtrade […]


Piet Mondrian

The Senior Infants have been considering the work of Piet Mondrian. Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter who was born in 1872.He created abstract images using geometric shapes and primary colours. First we looked at some of Mondrian’s works of art to learn about his style of painting. Then we used laminated paper rectangles and […]



In maths the Senior Infants have been learning about capacity. We did lots of investigations using a variety of substances e.g. water, rice, flour, pasta and sand (yes, you can imagine the mess). The children experienced filling and emptying a variety of containers. We then investigated measuring how much of a substance certain containers would […]


January in Senior Infants

Happy New Year to you all. Welcome back after the Winter Holiday. This term our focus in literacy is ‘narrative’. we have started our learning by listening to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have  retold the story through drama in the role play area and through the use of story props. We […]