OT, Week 3 – Mental Health, Senior Infants

This week our theme was mental health. We learned how important it is to have a healthy, happy brain. Helen came to work with us and we learned to Take 5 when we felt things were getting a little bit too much. Thank you Helen. We took time to be mindful when playing with our […]


Smoothie Making – Senior Infants

We are working on procedure in our literacy. This morning, we made some yummy smoothies using very healthy ingredients. We really enjoyed working with a partner on this job and trying our fruity smoothie! 5th Class children gave us a helping hand! Thank you 5th Class!!!! We are going to write our recipe this week. […]


OT, Week 2 – Nutrition, Senior Infants

What a brilliant week we had in Senior Infants. Thanks so much to the Operation Transformation Team for organising. We started the week with a visit from Pat Brady. He told us all about his business (The Kitchen) and we got to try some yummy sausages and burgers. Carambola gave us some yummy fruit and […]


Operation Transformation – Wk 1, Senior Infants

Operation Transformation has well and truly begun in Senior Infants. This week our theme was exercise. We started the week with a talk about keeping fit with Emmet Rushe. The following day, he very kindly invited us to use his gym. We loved learning about all the different types of equipment. We also worked with […]


Working Together, Learning Together – Infants

Junior and Senior Infants had the loveliest time working together on the themes of love and friendship. We thought about who we love. We discussed how to be a really good friend. We made infant friends and worked on many different activities together. Thanks to those we love for coming to our assembly and taking […]


Aistear – Senior Infants

This month we have been doing the theme of the hospital for aistear. We have been very busy building hospitals, looking after all the sick teddies and playing doctor games. Take a look!


Half Term/Fancy Dress – Senior Infants


Our First Day In Our New School – Senior Infants

What a momentous occasion! We had an amazing day from beginning to end. We were sad to say goodbye to our old school but ever so excited to embark on our next adventure. It was a fabulous sight to see our whole school community walking together to the new building. We were so lucky to […]


Pumpkin Crafts – Senior Infants

To practice our cutting skills, we worked on pumpkins today. It was a tricky job but we think you’ll agree that they turned out really well!


Maths Week – Senior Infants

We have been working on lots of hands on activities today for Maths week. Have a little look at some of the fun we had!