Ards Trip – Senior Infants

We had so much fun with our buddies today. We went to Ards. The weather was just beautiful. We spent time in the playground and on the beach. Have a look at the fun we had!


Lurgybrack Farm – Senior Infants

We had he most wonderful day at Lurgybrack Farm. We began our day with a walk around the farm looking at all the different animals. We stopped for lunch and then spent the rest of our time playing in all the different areas. Thanks so much to all the adults who helped us on our […]


National Cycle to School Day

A big well done to all the children who took part in today’s National COW Day, Cycle on Wednesday. A fantastic turnout with parents and staff joining in! A sincere thank you to all the parents for accompanying their children and making sure each child wore a helmet. As this was our last travel day […]


Senior Infants Big Bedtime Read

Senior Infants were part of the Big Bedtime Read which focuses on the importance and benefits of reading with your child at bedtime. The book for this initiative was Dear Zoo. The children worked on lots of Zoo activities in class and read with their adults at home. The Library came to visit them on […]


The Zoo – Senior Infants

We have opened for business. The zoo is open each morning and we have been very busy! We have been becoming tour guides, zoo keepers and of course the animals. There is a face painting stand and the snack shop is also open. Next week, we will be completing zoo keeper reports and writing about […]


Science – Senior Infants

We have been learning all about objects that float and sink. We worked with a partner to build a boat and then made predictions. We used lots of different materials such as paper plates, lollipop sticks, lego, egg cartons and other items. Have a look at the fun we had!


Walking Bus

On Wednesday the school took part in their last Park and Stride. The children on the bus asked the Green Team if they could join in. So we made their wish come true. We created a walking bus!Thank you to all the adults who gave up their time and accompanied us on our way.


Our Gorgeous Little Visitor – Senior Infants

We have been learning all about babies this week. Today, we were so lucky to have a beautiful little visitor called Caidhla Mae. We were so excited when she came into our class with Mairéad. We thought she was fabulous! She was smiling all the time! Mairéad showed us photographs of Caidhla Mae and we […]


Our Projects – Senior Infants

For homework this week, Louise told us we could do a project on whatever we liked. We were all amazed at the wonderful work everyone had done. There were so many ideas and we all learned about each others different interests. We were very proud to stand in front of our friends to share our […]


Senior Infants, Star Growers

As we had been learning all about spring, we decided to grow some of our own plants. We took the time to plant cress, spinach and peas. We were amazed at how quickly our plants grew. We took care to ensure they were watered each day! We were very excited to take them home on […]