Ciara’s class-Material hunt

In November we have been learning all about hard and soft materials and we have been discussing why certain materials are used to make things like toys/cuddly teddies/windows…etc. Today we went on a material hunt in our class and then watched a video on how wool is made.


Autumn Projects – Senior Infants

During the month of October, we had been very busy learning all about autumn. We worked with a friend on a project to show all that we have learned. It was a very busy time. Firstly, we completed the art work. Next, we decided on the layout and we wrote a few facts. Finally, we […]


Maths Week with a little help from 5th class.

Verity’s class joined in the fun of maths week. We invited our buddies from 5th class to come and join us everyday for 20 minutes. The children from 5th class taught us how to play four maths games: pairs, 4 Kings, snakes and ladders, and dominoes. We all had great fun learning and playing together. […]


Verity’s Class exploring Drumboe Woods



Verity’s class have been making patterns in maths

In maths the children have been learning all about patterns. We made simple patterns and repeated them at first using two colours. Then we used objects to make patterns. This was slightly trickier but once we got the hang of it we started challenging ourselves to make the pattern more interesting. Next we made patterns […]


Fine Motor Skills

The children in Verity’s class have been busy getting their hands and fingers to work. They have been doing lots of jobs to help strengthen their hands and their grip. High 5 to everyone for doing such a great job 😊


Junior Infants Verity Class Are Going on a Bear Hunt


Patterns(Ciara’s class)

Last week we were learning about patterns. We made colour,size and object patterns and finished the week off with a dance pattern called Banana Banana Meatball!


Mark Making and Lines(Ciara’s class)

We have been experimenting with mark making and lines using charcoal and paint. Look at some of our great work!


Aistear-Homes (Ciara’s class)

Our theme for the month of September was Homes. We were learning about the different types of Homes,about the rooms of a home,how to build a house as well as creating home pictures during art and playing in our home corner. We had lots of fun!