LETNS Ultra Marathon Launch

Hi everyone we were very excited today in Letterkenny Educate Together NS because we launched our Ultra Marathon (100km) !!! We had special guests Jason Black and Sarah Marie Mc Devitt come into school to help launch our new challenge for the year. We talked about how looking after our body and mind is so […]


Problem Solvers

This week has been lots of fun and it’s hard to believe that we only have one more week to go until the midterm break! We kicked off the week with an exciting visit from Nigel McKelvey for Code Week EU. Nigel is a lecturer at Letterkenny Institute of Technology and is a CoderDojo expert! […]


Off To a Good Start

We have had a hectic few weeks in 5th Class since we came back to school in September! I have been getting to know the children and they have been getting to know how much I love Science, Maths, puzzles and maker spaces! LED ‘Glowie Critters’, Tweeting,  Izak9, Nano-science and a LEGO Letterkenny are just […]


Junior Achievement – 5th Class

5th Class welcomed both Rosie McGahan and Patricia Friel (United Healthcare)into their class this year for Junior Achievement. As part of junior achievement the class learned about the structure and function of the skeleton and how joints work to allow movement of the skeleton, they also looked at the immune system and the heart. The class […]


Design a Shop – 5th Class

5th class have been working on ‘Design a shop’ project as part of their homework. Have a look at our video showcasing the great work, I’m sure you’ll agree some fantastic creative work on show! Also we would like to say a massive thank you to Nicola in our school and also Special guest Michael […]


April Invitation

Welcome back, I hope you all had a lovely spring break. We are now into our final school term. 5th class would like to invite all of you wonderful parents into our classroom on Friday 15th April. We will have a guest speaker (Local Businessman – Michael Murphy)  in attendance and the children will showcase […]


March Blog – Mother’s Day Photo Frames.

The class had a wonderful time making Mother’s Day Photo Frames. Have a look at the video below to see what they got up to……..


The big Fairtrade Breakfast.

5TH Class and Senior Infants had a Fairtrade breakfast. Fairtrade means that the Fairtrade ingredients in the product have been produced by small-scale farmer organisations or plantations that meet Fairtrade social, economic and environmental standards. The standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment, payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and an additional Fairtrade […]


February Blog – John’s Visit

John Doherty from Finn Harps football club visited our class. John is visually impaired. John talked to the class about what it is like to be visually impaired. John showed the class how to play football by using a ball with a bell inside. Please watch the video below to see how the class got […]


February Blog – Valentine’s Day Art

The class had great fun making their love bugs! Have a look….