Junior Infant & 5th Class Beach Buddy Trip



We had great fun last week experimenting with LEGO WeDo and engaging in a little bit of coding. We did a few different projects but we really enjoyed the open activities and we got to build really cool things like a helicopter with a working winch, an earthquake simulator, a fast car, a rubbish sorter […]


Mr. Grass Head

We had a lovely visit from Myah’s granny and we made some wonderful little grass men! We used tights, grass seed and soil to make our men and then added eyes and mouths to our little men! Have a look at this great activity below 🙂   Mr. Grass Head


A Trip to The Courthouse

We had a wonderful class trip to the Old Courthouse in Lifford today. We got a tour of the old building and got to see the living conditions experienced by the prisoners. It was dark and cold and the old walls reeked of history, full of stories of times gone by. The children visited the […]



We had a wonderful visit from Martin Maloney and his birds yesterday morning. Martin brought Leo, the long eared owl, Barney, the barn owl and his buzzard Rambo in to say hello and it was wonderful to see these magnificent birds in our classroom. Barney went for a fly around the classroom and seemed to […]


Fun in the sun in LETNS!

Here in LETNS we had a fantastic Fun Friday! The children all got to spend their golden time enjoying the sunshine on the yard. We had music, dancing, singing and games. Have a look at our fantastic pictures and videos taken by Amelia C and Wiktoria in 6th class. I think you’ll agree they did […]


Our school 5k and 3k fundraiser

We held our annual school 5k and 3k run/walk on Wednesday night at 7:30pm in Diver’s Hyundai garage in association with the Letterkenny Athletics Club. We had a great turn out from our school community and our local community! It was a great night and lots of fun was had. Thank you to everyone who […]


CĂ©ilĂ­ MĂłr

CĂ©ilĂ­ MĂłr: BhĂ­ CĂ©ilĂ­ MĂłr againn inniĂș sa scoile. Rinne siad an damhsa ‘Cuir crĂș ar an Chapall’, an damhsa ‘BallaĂ­ Luimnigh’ agus an ‘Haka’ as Gaeilge. Bhain gach duine taitneamh as an CĂ©ilĂ­!! FĂ©ach ar an fĂ­sĂ©an sĂ­os!  


GrĂĄ mo ChroĂ­

We have been having a great time learning lots of new dances and new songs for Seachtain na Gaeilge! We even revisited one of the songs that we learned earlier in the year and luckily we remembered most of the words! We went up to Pinehill Studios for Hip Hop today and we had great […]


Wake Up Shake Up in LETNS

We have started out Wake Up Shake Up in LETNS. It happens every Tuesday and Thursday on the yard at 9:00. The children all take part in the same dance to wake up their bodies and their minds before they head off to class. Remember school starts at 9:00 be on time! Here’s a look […]