Fun in the sun in LETNS!

Here in LETNS we had a fantastic Fun Friday! The children all got to spend their golden time enjoying the sunshine on the yard. We had music, dancing, singing and games. Have a look at our fantastic pictures and videos taken by Amelia C and Wiktoria in 6th class. I think you’ll agree they did […]


Our school 5k and 3k fundraiser

We held our annual school 5k and 3k run/walk on Wednesday night at 7:30pm in Diver’s Hyundai garage in association with the Letterkenny Athletics Club. We had a great turn out from our school community and our local community! It was a great night and lots of fun was had. Thank you to everyone who […]


Céilí Mór

Céilí Mór: Bhí Céilí Mór againn inniú sa scoile. Rinne siad an damhsa ‘Cuir crú ar an Chapall’, an damhsa ‘Ballaí Luimnigh’ agus an ‘Haka’ as Gaeilge. Bhain gach duine taitneamh as an Céilí!! Féach ar an físéan síos!  


Egyptian bling!

We have made a start on our Egyptian unit of work in 3rd class and we couldn’t be more excited!! During the month of March, we will be learning all about Egypt! We are sure to be experts by the end of our learning! In Geography we are busy creating research projects. In Music we […]


Wake Up Shake Up in LETNS

We have started out Wake Up Shake Up in LETNS. It happens every Tuesday and Thursday on the yard at 9:00. The children all take part in the same dance to wake up their bodies and their minds before they head off to class. Remember school starts at 9:00 be on time! Here’s a look […]


Seachtaine na Gaeilge dance practise

Hi everyone. Here is a sneaky peek at all the hard work going on in LETNS for Seachtaine na Gaeilge. We have been learning ‘Shoe the Donkey’, ‘Walls of Limerick’ and the ‘Haka’ as gaeilge.


To infinity and beyond!

3rd class have been busy learning all about space during the month of February. We worked in small groups to produce projects on the planets of the solar system in Science. We used ipads and books to research the information we needed. We worked really hard on our projects and we are very proud of […]


Pancake Tuesday with 6th class!

6th class kindly invited us to join them in their classroom for some pancakes! It was lovely to catch up and have some treats with them!


Friendship week – 1st & 3rd class working together!

1st class and 3rd class have been completing great work together as part of Friendship week this week! On  Monday, 1st class came to visit 3rd class and we talked about the traits of being of a good friend. Both classes came up with some fantastic suggestions! We then made our hands of friendship craft […]


Valentine characters- 3rd class

Valentine characters We had great fun in 3rd class today as we created some valentine characters. Here are some of our cool creations!!