Happy Mothers Day from 3rd class!!

Happy Mothers Day A special thank you to all the mums who do so much for us! We love you!!!!


World Book Day- 1st and 3rd class

World Book Day We were delighted to join our buddies from 1st class to celebrate World Book Day!    


Fire Brigade visit to 3rd class


Meet the cast of 3rd class!

We have a class full of superstars here in 3rd! Lights, camera, ACTION!!


Jiu Jitsu with Shane- 3rd class

We were super excited to get to work with Shane in the hall for some active fun during Operation Transformation. Thanks Shane!


Space Projects-3rd class

Space Projects- 3rd class We have been learning all about the Solar System during Geography and Science this month. We each chose a planet or star that we wanted to become experts on! Did you know that Pluto is now known as a dwarf planet?? Poor Pluto!! We used ipads and books to research the […]


Bronze Age beakers- 3rd class

3rd class have been learning all about the Bronze Age in History! During our learning, we talked about what it would be like to live in Ireland during this time. We examined photos of artefacts found and this inspired us to create our own Bronze Age clay pots! We were delighted to bring our individual […]


Operation Transformation activities-3rd class

Operation Transformation Over the 6 weeks of Operation Transformation 3rd class had lots of fun trying out new things. We tried lots of different sports, tasted delicious fruit and veg and learned lots from all the special visitors that came in to talk to us. đŸ™‚


Ju jitsu with Shane

We were delighted to have Shane come into school to teach us all about Ju jitsu for six weeks in Term 2. Shane motivated all the boys and girls and we really enjoyed practicing self defence while having lots of fun at the same time!! Shane presented the class with certificates during the final session […]


Rainforest projects

3rd class completed fantastic homework projects based on the rainforest last month! Some children chose to make posters and dioramas, while others presented a powerpoint presentation. The quality of work was most impressive! A big thank you to all the children who worked hard and adults at home who helped in any way! The children […]