Verity’s Class exploring Drumboe Woods



Nakita’s Class: Junior Infants – Trip to Drumboe Woods

On Tuesday the 16th of October we had our first trip in Junior Infants. We were so excited to visit Drumboe Woods. Have a look at our video to see how much fun we had.  


Something Fishy Recipes – 5th Class

We have been working hard throughout the year on the Something Fishy project. We have learned all about fish life and we have focused on how we can help save our fish life by reducing pollution. We created a website for the project which contains everything we have learned and also some fun stuff. Here […]


Junior Infants – A busy Term



Genius Hour – 5th Class

Two students presented their Genius Hour project to 5th class. They have been working very hard to create a stop motion video using Lego. This took a long time as they had to slightly adjust the Lego after each photograph was taken. They also created a PowerPoint Presentation, explaining what Genius Hour is and how they […]


Gingerbread Man – Junior Infants

The Junior Infants had a surprise visitor at school last week…but he was pretty tricky to track down. He sent us a letter. The Gingerbread man had left us clues. We had to read the clue, solve the riddle to find the location of the next clue. We had a great time searching all over […]


Something Fishy – 5th Class

This year 5th Class is taking part Something Fishy. Something Fishy is an Educational Programme, aimed at Primary school pupils aged between 10-13 years, which informs and educates students on fish, water, angling, and the environment and angling. We had the opportunity of examining all sorts of river life in our classroom last week. A […]


World Book Day – Junior Infants

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day. We came dressed up as characters from story books. We shared our books with each other.


Operation Transformation – week 1

LETNS are leading the way to a happy, healthy lifestyle with Operation Transformation 2018.   The school community at Letterkenny Educate Together National School is all set to start the new year in their new school and with a new focus on health and happiness. ‘Happy. Healthy. Learn’ is the slogan for the school’s 2018 […]


Fun in the snow – 5th Class