Flying Machines & Thankfulness

We have had an incredibly busy week this week. We are learning about fractions in maths, An Stoirm in Gaeilge and we are improving our report writing skills more and more during English lessons.

This week we also did our #hourofcode, buddied up with Junior Infants and our school took part in a debate against Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal! It really has been very busy!

Our focus this month is thankfulness and we have been doing lots of art work, singing and having discussions about the things we are thankful for. We are looking forward to welcoming parents to our classroom to see the wonderful work we have been doing on this topic.

We made our flying machines this week too. We designed our flying machines in our genius journals and mapped out what we needed to build and test our machines. It was great fun making the machines and testing them was even more fun!!!

Watch our video below to see our busy week!!