This week has been lots of fun and it’s hard to believe that we only have one more week to go until the midterm break!
We kicked off the week with an exciting visit from Nigel McKelvey for Code Week EU. Nigel is a lecturer at Letterkenny Institute of Technology and is a CoderDojo expert! On Monday morning Nigel came to our classroom and introduced us to Blockly Maze, he told us that it was really important for us to work together and help one another.
We spent an hour trying to navigate the maze and we all had great fun discussing the different approaches taken by each group. The engagement in the room was tangible. It was wonderful to watch as the children worked – heads together and hushed voices followed by joyous celebrations each time a new level was reached! We had a great start to our week and we would like to thank Nigel very much for taking the time to come and visit us.
An exciting delivery on loan from Athlone Education Centre made us very happy on Monday afternoon! We received a delivery of littleBits which have taken pride of place in our classroom. littleBits are easy-to-use electronic building blocks which will allow us to create lots of different inventions! Watch this space!
We have been working hard on Manga High this week during Maths Week 2016. The children are doing extra homework as they are enjoying accessing their maths homework in a different way. Most of the children have opted to do their maths homework using Manga High next week again!!
We had a cracking good time on Thursday evening trying to crack the vault! The children were set a task on the iPads which involved working in teams to crack a six digit code. The challenge was difficult but the children took it in their stride. They listened to one another and
tried a variety of different approaches to crack the code. One team managed to crack the six digit code but so many others came so very close!!
Hopefully next week will bring another great week of learning!